Apple Web Comic Roundup
Web comics bring humor and insight to everyday life and there are thousands of them. I've been a long time reader of Penny Arcade and its given me some great laughs over the years. I ran across an Apple plot oriented web comic today and it prompted me to look for others. I was expecting to find endless panes of Steve Jobs fighting all that is evil and promoting the iPod/iPhone/AppleTV. Boy was I wrong. Finding Apple based web comics was harder than I thought. In fact, I could only find two additional strips after my initial find! So if you have your own or frequent a strip let me know so I can add it to my list.

Creators: Hawk & Ananth
Your first impression of this web comic is going to be WOW! The graphics are simply amazing. If your looking for a strictly humorous comic then Apple Geeks isn't for you. Thats not to say that there isn't mixed humor throughout, but most of the comic is serious in nature. The cast consists of two characters who are reflections of the creators, their family, and one Apple based android.

Creator: Alberto De Armas
I have high hopes for this comic. Its in its early stages, but from what I've seen so far its going to be awesome. The first chapter introduces the four main characters, Steve Apple, Bill Money, Mack InTouch, Pee C. Box, and one special guest, Wozzy. If you know any history about Apple you can probably guess the premise of this comic. The creator claims that SDOS is, "Based on a true story (with a fantasy twist)."

Creator: Reece James
Apple users know what its like in a world of PC users. As a minority amongst the masses you are often the butt of jokes and criticism. The Little Apple Dude (LAD) is no different. LAD is a Computer Science major and one of few Apple users. He at a constant battle with the 'The PC Dude', who is basically just a reference to anyone who isn't a Mac user and shows support for Windows. There are a few other minor characters, namely The Exchange Student, Nini, and Shrike the Linux Dude.
Give these comics a read. I'm sure that you won't be disappointed!
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